


PO30 4LP

Registered Charity 1041302

Welcome to Porchfield Village Hall website


About the Hall

Porchfield village hall lies at the heart of the village. It is in regular use by all sections of the community.

It is also available for private hire.

Tea & Chat

 Wed 4th Sept Tea & chat is usually held on the first Wednesday of each month between 2.00pm and 4.00pm.  Drop in for a slice of cake and a cup of tea only £2.00.

Tea & Chat Roy & Mays 90th party

Printable Booking Form

  The Hall is ideal for parties, events, celebrations, meeting, clubs and courses and the hire fees are very competitive,and is available for hire by contacting us on 01983 821250.

Don’t forget to check out the Community News click here

End of summer BBQ party 5pm Sat 21 Sept . Entrance only £5 to include your first offering from the grill. Booking essential (we don’t want to run out) Ring 821250 or email pandnvh@gmail.com

 Every 3rd  Wednesday of the month 10.30-11.30 a monthly Coffee Morning. Drop in for a cuppa only £1